





.I recommended to make only 100 USD per one game.. I start play at 0 hour 15 min and end at 1 hour 54 minutes, this mean I play 1 hour 39 minutes and make profit 700 USD as you can see at each picture. You Socks Knitting Machine Suppliers could visit web site youtube and you see more videos about Money Maker Machine.. I can remember October last year. The machine normally got the color correct on the first attempt, a few went to the 8th as you can see from screen shot. Admin will work on a way to use the gathered numbers...
He will be analyzing all the current numbers that have been collected and coming up with the strategies to give the player a fighting chance. So I would like to remind the reader how long some of members have been waiting for something like the Analysis to appear. Every game I play one after another only makes 13 free spins at the beginning of each game, after make 100 USD profit, start another game with free 13 spins and that play each of them. And that is always a good thing.. Once this is done and test is completed then we can use the MMMRs to give us a color. Well at least we have some progress.. And I know that further developments are in the works to improve the outcome.also I have bad results too, but with any other palette.. I know some of the answers that may come from these questions.. At least we all have something that we can play with and test.but each palette can make another results.



No Name Ninja

